Wednesday, 8 February 2012

NPL Accountant, arrested over 12m scam

The Nigeria Police has reportedly arrested the accountant of the Nigeria Premier League (NPL), Joe Ogbowie, over the missing N12 million (about $75,000).

Also,N30m cannot be account for by NPL .............huh? NPL is meant to be moving forward not backward.


Sam said...

NPL is a child's play th international leagues dont take us seriously

Anonymous said...

Is it that everybody in a key post is corrupt? kai

Lawrence said...

What do u expect when there is match fixing,the cabnet shld be reshuffled.

Curtis said...

Some people are above the law esp those in key position,until all these are put in place things will get worse

Ugba said...

The way d football is run in 9ja is a pity,no discipline,and that was Siasia wanted to restore

Osomade said...

The fact that Nigerian organisations do not like orderliness,so any way u find such this will be expected,it opens room for corruption

Bee said...

Why is the man in question still going to work,i tot we were told he is arrested

Ofou said...

The football team does not take control of the game bc they believe they cannot risk their lives for ungratiful country that is concern of corruption, so most of them just want to show face,as they see corruption everywhere,they do not have strength step up at their A game, imagine somebody looting 12M and not jailed

Eric said...

Lips services is what we get with all the leaders

Rony said...

The mismangement and lack of accountability,if all this is fixed, things will get better