Sunday 26 February 2012

OMG!Heavyset woman wearing only TRAINERS stomps in windscreen of man's car.

Dailymail confirmed that a Heavyset woman wearing only trainers stomps in windscreen of Mr. Knight’s car and broke his windscreen with her foot. According to Mr. Knight as he spoke to San Francisco Gate “I was driving through Noe Valley when he passed a woman wrapped in a blanket and surrounded by medical personnel. A train was also stopped, and passengers were gawking at the scene. 
That was when the  woman threw off her blanket and came toward me”

Luckily for the woman, Mr.Knight is not pressing charges even though he would spend 300pounds in repairing his windscreen.

Peeps what do you make of this? I’m as shocked as you are.

1 comment:

suqarboi said...

this is the height of madness