We can’t over emphasize the importance of good make up. While bringing you tips on style on our blog, we have come across a couple of people who are fashion forward and others; like this lady, who needs a little touch here and there.
No matter where you are; rural or urban area don’t … ever ruin a dress or your top by letting your under garment (in this case strap of the bra) show. Undergarment is made worn underneath your dress or top. Make up, is meant to enhance your beauty not scare people away. It should compliment your outfit. For day looks, your make up should be applied lightly while at night it should be a bit heavier…..Lip gloss is advisable for all women, it keeps the lips glossy.
This picture is spreading fast on social networking websites and on blackberry, but I do not know if truly this lady wore this make up and went for an event with it like that,so I felt the need to share it on my blog…………….xpressurselfshow ……because my show brings out the best in people not the opposite. Hope the tips were helpful?
I no fit kiss dis one O!
Xpressurselfshow, you guys should make me up,ive sent you an email on lavivonline@gmail .com, pls dont ignore me, i saw your videos,the make up on you and candidtate was perfect.
whewwwww...Benetton colors...
Ojuju calabar, this is not real, but what i see is that the girl is very black, standing close to a building wit grasses, she's obviously from the north.
How much do you charge for ur make up?
dis is not make up....na watr paint she apply.....lolz
..dis na beauty craze or wot..... most nigeria women need proper orientation when comes to handling their fashion and beauty issues......lol
samuel,u don press P?
@ Samuel,I incline 2 ur view on 9ja women havin' a proper orientatn,we see dis fashion blunder esp 4rm d ladies @ events & church's,ladies learn 4rm dis plzzzzzzzzzzz
This is absurd,she must be living in her 'own world'
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