Tuesday 30 October 2018

Do all women have smelling Vagina?

There is nothing to be ashamed of, we women have very sensitive system compared to men.
Please take a listen to this video.
The other suggestion is to put a boiled water with sliced squeezed lime and a pinch of salt, sit on it  for about fifteen minutes……
You will always notice the difference and you will love yourself the more

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My Instagram handle:Vivienaliam
Facebook: Xpressurselfshow


Amaka said...

We know that all vagina smell that is why most women go flushing when they can

Isioma said...

I hear is only when have sex all that that the smell increases that is natural

Ikenna said...

I use condom so if she has rotten pussy it is her tolor

Tolu said...

But that is the beauty of a woman’s vagina Vivien, the not so good aroma is what makes women, my hubby is proud of my smell in fact he puts my undie in his nose before we have sex, it turns him on

Peace said...

Very educative

Maureen said...

I have been longing for a solution for this thank you Miss Nwandu, it is also cost effective, i know how much I have spent trying to get down there to smell fresh but most of the hospitals have charged me an arm and leg here in Bauchi, yet after three months the smell surfaces. I had given up but this your video has encouraged me, will send an email on the progress

Ifeanyi said...

Nwaoma you are so cute and adorable, your legs are chasis I am sure down there will be more than chasis. Your man is a lucky man.

Yemisi said...

It takes two to tangle some men are gulliable nothing on skirt passes them by, they were with bleaching body, smelling cream they use yet they dig their dick without protection carrying diseases up and down. I almost lost my life because of one useless man who cannot control himself. I discovered my pussy wasn’t as inviting as I knew it to be, started having discharges. My hospital check came up a sexual disease, I ended the five year relationship , three days to our white wedding. I was 100 %faithful. Can someone explain to me why men are unfaithful? The stupid excuse was that the lady he slept with tempted him.How dumb, he couldn’t even come up with a reasonable answer.

Sonia said...

Valid point

Okafor said...

Some men are foolish, they form clueless, how can you sleep with your ex without condom, do you know how many men she has been fucking since you guys broke up. My sister is still suffering heart break. Her saving grace is that she is my senior, I would have beaten the living day out of her. The man ended up impregnating her and the child died from particular disease the baby contaminated from the woman.Am a man and I don’t see me and my ex getting sexually active after break up. If it didn’t work the first time,it won’t work the second time.Women NEVER get back with your ex, it will only keep you misery