Saturday 11 February 2012

Property 50 50 (I was just wondering about the Katy Perry divorce and why Americans split their property 50 50 when they divorce).

Some property is considered a product of the marriage and, therefore, fair game to be split among a divorcing couple. This property includes:

    * wages earned during the marriage
    * real property (homes and land) bought during the marriage
    * personal items such as furniture and cars, and even pensions accrued during the marriage

According to the American Bar Association, property should be divided equally because they view marriage as a joint undertaking in which both spouses are presumed to contribute equally to the acquisition and preservation of property.

I understand that in Nigeria, a man can divorce his wife and not pay alimony or give her any support whatsoever. However, in most cases there is a token amount agreed between the two parties.

Just a thought in my head………I felt I should share it with you. 

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