Sunday, 30 September 2012

248 passengers escape death as Qatar Airline makes emergency landing in Lagos

                                                       Just take a look at this

Three passengers who were on board said that the crew had made no announcements about a mechanical problem during the flight.

"They landed safely. There was no problem. I didn't notice any other thing," said Raphael Ashala, 30, a Nigerian who was on his way back from a Doha business trip.

Emergency vehicles including fire trucks were on hand for the landing, the AFP news agency reported. The airline's online tracker said the flight arrived in Lagos at 2:29pm (13:29 GMT), but the plane touched down at least 30 minutes before that.

The website made no mention of any incidents during the journey, saying only that flight QR592 had "arrived".


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God did intervene

Anonymous said...

It was good they did not tell the passengers,that wld not have helped

Anonymous said...

What nonsense,they shld have told them after all they paid for the service

Anonymous said...

Seriously that was the best thing,more panic wld have occurred

Anonymous said...

I dont agree,Nigerians know how to hold pain,yes panic,trust me prayer upon prayer,which is not a bad thing to do

Ivory said...

Abegi,telling them wld have sent some people to their early grave from fear.