Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Getting American visa is not by luck

How come some educated people think getting an American Visa is by luck? Please take a listen , you might be able to advise someone who has given up of getting a visa because he had spent sooooo much money without good result. Do subscribe, like, comment, share Instagram page : VivienNwandu Facebook: Xpressurselfshow Twitter handle: xpressurself_tv


John said...

Bobby Risky you don hear

Joshua said...

I agree completely,it is luck

Ejike said...

What are people looking for over there,Nigeria has so many places better than what they have there. Who says you can be a millionaire in a foreign country.
Maybe early years but not now
Stay in your country and work hard

Stephen said...

Filling documents require painstaking but most people are in a hurry not just filling forms but in general.
My workers cannot write a proposal without me crossing it,because it is full of blunder

Monica said...

Sheer laziness

Ayo said...

Vivien you know how the embassy is arranged,why will I not shake when you have six people right in front of you refused and i am next to be interviewed.
Yes it happened to me
I was able to get back my visa when I started working with a reputable company and it was packaged by the office.

Babatunde said...

Your dress is what am glued to.
Beautiful you

Tina said...

All embassies are the same, the officers decide as they like,because i was refused by French embassy and automatically I present my travelling in American embassy the officer will not even give adequate reason he or she will just stamp...REFUSED

Unknown said...

Yes, but sometimes the odds are simply not in your favour.

Charlie said...

@Lucille Ossai please this is interesting what do you mean the odds not in one favor, that why I was refused three times despite the fact that my wife is a Canadian citizen

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Nice tips there. Better take it