Thursday, 25 February 2016

MBGN 1992 Sandra Petgrave and husband George Chukwuka in prison in US for $5.8m allegation

Former Most Beautiful Girl In Nigeria 1992, Sandra Petgrave and her husband, George Chukwuka, are jailed for  $5.8 million  over mortgage fraud that spanned 5 years. The couple have 6children and the last child is 9years
Before this,in 2009,Sandra was jailed for 2days when her husband the police for battery,she sued for divorce but everything got resolved and they were together again. The Investigations by FBI showed that Chiedu led the fraud ring that operated from 2006 to 2011. Sandra was sentenced to one and a half years imprisonment while her husband was sentenced to 9 years in jail.

1 comment:

Moises said...

The woman or man you marry can make or break you,classic e.g