Monday, 11 August 2014

Serum Zmapp drug to cure Ebola has been given to Spanish priest which was denied to Nigeria

The  75 year old Spanish Catholic priest, Miguel Pajares, who got infected with Ebola while working in Liberia will be treated with the experimental drug called ZMapp .
The drug is being administered to the priest at the Madrid’s La Paz-Carlos III hospital where he is in isolation,the Spanish government confirmed.
Some people did not find this funny.the likes of Juliet Ibrahim. She took to her instagram page. Remember,Nigeria's request for the drug was turned down by the US. And according to WHO,the Vaccine may only be ready in 2015.

This is what she stated on her instagram page
    : "Nigeria asked for the Zmapp drug and was refused the drug! Now Spanish priest who is now back home safely yet suffering from Ebola; Spanish government request for the exact same drug and they are getting the drug to cure him! Africans! Africans! Africans! I said der is more to dis dat meets d eye! Educate urselves and remember right now prevention is better than cure! This is no time for ignorance to take over us if our leaders are joking with this let's not joke about this. #ebolaawareness it is real. God be with us all"


Tim said...

Why wait till 2015,when everyone has been wiped out

Ben said...

Bull shit,it is called racism

Anonymous said...

They shuld not bring sef,for once let African use their brains to develop something,that way the white will respect Africans.
All the leaders know is to loot money.

Laura said...

Old men are ruling this country,very old mentality,cannot give young vibrant youth to coming in,so their laid back mentality sets on everything,no room to think,bush people.

Anonymous said...


Kenny said...

Africans cannot be trusted that is d simple reason they are not giving it to us anytime soon

Anonymous said...

Nigeria so beautiful,with able men and women,yet we have greedy leaders who are after their own interest.If America had half of what God has blessed us with,their country will be HEAVEN.

Anonymous said...

This is the only actress who has been vocal about this.Love her

Valerie said...

Schools,God help.

Anonymous said...


Ugonnada said...

Na her boyfriend she dey fight for,since she is dating a Nigerian all her interest will be here na

Neva said...

Ebola is the only thing people are talking about,i got to the office this morning chit chat on d disease,why dont we start to pray for God to provide the solution. Instead of wasting on creating more fear on people

Anonymous said...

Let one of the top officials die first,then you find out that the govt will be swift to BETTER action

Lola said...

The Dr Iwu and others start at once

Ejiro said...

Let everyone share to stop the panic
US STATE DEPARTMENT: EBOLA ALERT!!! In order to help our Embassy Community better understand some key points about Ebola virus we consulted with our medical specialists at the U S State Department & assembled this list below, worded in plain language for easy understanding. • The suspected reservoirs for Ebola are fruit bats. • Transmission to humans is thought to originate from infected bats or primates that have become infected by bats. Undercooked infected bat and primate (bush) meat transmits the virus to humans. • Human to human transmission is only achieved by physical contact with a person who is acutely and gravely ill from Ebola virus or their body fluids. • Transmission among humans is almost exclusively among caregiver family members or health care workers tending to the very ill. • The virus is easily killed by contact with soap, bleach, sunlight, or drying. A washing machine will kill the virus in clothing saturated with infected body fluids. • A person can incubate the virus without symptoms for 2-21 days, the average being 5-8 days before becoming ill. THEY ARE NOT CONTAGIOUS until they are acutely ill. • Only when ill does the viral load express itself first in the blood and other bodily fluids (e.g vomit, feaces, urine,breast milk, semen and sweat). • If you are walking around you are not infectious to others. • There r documented cases from Kikwit, DRC of an Ebola outbreak in a village that had the custom of children never touching an ill adult.Children living for days in one room huts with parents who died from Ebola did not become infected. • You cant contract Ebola by handling money or swimming in a pool. •There's no medical reason to stop flights,close borders, restrict travel or close embassies,businesses or schools. • Always practice good hand washing techniques,you will not contact Ebola if you do not touch a dying person. Don't Panic, Educate Yourself,Educate Others. Pls Share.