Thursday, 28 August 2014

More information on Ebola Epidemic

Patrick Sawyer Minister of Health has confirmed to reporters that two people in Port Harcourt have contracted the Ebola disease, the doctor's wife and the diplomat he treated. The wife has been quarantined and the diplomat under surveillance.

The Port Harcourt based doctorwho died has been identified  Iyke Enemoah, on August 22nd, 70 people in Port Harcourt who had primary and secondary contacts with the doctor and the hospital where he worked have now been put under surveillance in a bid to stop the spread of the deadly virus in the city.

Dr. Enemoah's wife is the only one who has been quarantined.


Ken said...

It is greed, the foolish doctor treated in undisclosed hotel in Port Harcourt to secretly treat him after the diplomat failed to turn himself in during the search for those who had direct contact with the late Patrick Sawyer. Vivien,this country is in mess

Nancy said...

Strange,the doctor is dead but the patient is alive,confusion

Anonymous said...

Madness to the greedy doctor,that means this number mentioned is not correct.Some must have traveled even from PH to Villiages to whereever