Thursday, 19 September 2013

I was born to be talked about-stella damasus

The actress turned activist took to her blog to air her mind about people who waste their lives hating or examining their lives while theirs is wasting away.She says she is not bothered because she was born to be talked about..

Sometimes I sit down and try to take stock of my life and it's numerous stages. It amazes me to see how far I have come even in the midst of the storm. God is indeed faithful to those who love and serve him.
Growing up was a bit funny for me outside the walls of my home. I grew up in a wonderfully balanced family with a lot of love and care from both my parents who were bankers, my older sisters who taught me so much and even my late kid brother even though his time was short. For some reason I thought there was something wrong with me and I will tell you why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are enjoying the publicity if not you go hidding like Liz Benson