Sunday, 22 September 2013

Gunmen tweeted before attacking Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya

An attack that killed over 59 people and injuring over 150, Somali militant group, al Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack via their twitter page, HSM Press Office @HSM_Press. After quite a number of Tweets explaining their actions and threatening to carry out more attacks, Twitter suspended the account.
Sadly, Ghanaian poet and diplomat was among the 59 killed during the attack on Westgate Mall in Kenya yesterday. He was in Nairobi as a participant in the Storymoja Hay Festival, a 4-day celebration of writing, thinking and storytelling. The Ghanaian govt confirmed his death early Sunday morning. He was 78 years old. His son was also shot, but was not killed.
Also the president's nephew, Mbugua and his fiance Wahito were killed in the attack yesterday.

Over 1,000 people have so far been evacuated from the mall, but an unknown number of hostages are still trapped inside with the terrorists believed to be about 15. Kenyan security forces have been locked in a standoff with gunmen since yesterday. Gun shots have been heard all morning in the area.

Heavily armed Islamic extremists pulled up in several cars yesterday and shot their way into the most upmarket shopping centre in Nairobi, ordering Muslims out if they could prove their religion by reciting a prayer or answering a question on Islam. They started killing those who failed the test.

                                                                 Diplomat Kofi Awoonor          

Mbugua and his fiance Wahito 
See the tweet after the cut


Tom said...

Kenya has always been known for peace and quiet country,this must have been a shock to most people

Ejiro said...

Very sad

Pat said...

May their souls rest in peace and God wil usually defeat these hopless,useless wicked terrorist