“Keira S Lowdha @keirasullty: @karenigho that u r a celebrity and u need no
pass. He told u, u can’t go in witout a pass then u starting (sic) insulting
him. He slapped u.”
Another tweet went further to justify the slap saying, “Keira S Lowdha
@keirasullty: @karenigho he didn’t ask u 4 money and he wasn’t wit a gun. U
were forming celebrity without ticket. U deserved d slap 4 ur behaviour.”
keira S Lowdha @keirasultty
@Karen_Igho I repeat it wasn't a mopol dat slapped u. Ksquare security guard slapped u cos u were formin celebritu without ticket
keira S Lowdha @keirasultty
@Karen_Igho FYI d guy didn't run after hitting u . He was there till d end of d show only dat u didn't get in.
keira S Lowdha @keirasultty
@Karen_Ighoso learn to tell d truth n stop lying. Celebrity my foot
keira S Lowdha @keirasultty
@Karen_Igho he didn't ask u 4 money and he wasn't wit a gun. U were forming celebrity without ticket. U deserved d slap 4 ur behaviour
keira S Lowdha @keirasultty
@Karen_Igho as a mad girl u started fighting him and then he pushed u. So stop d lies
keira S Lowdha @keirasultty
@Karen_Igho that u r a celebrity and u need no pass. He told u, u can't go in witout a pass then u starting insulting him. He slapped u
keira S Lowdha @keirasultty
@Karen_Igho u came 4 d event without a pass and d security asked u 4 ur pass then u told him if he knew u were a celebrity
keira S Lowdha @keirasultty
@Karen_Igho it wasn't even a police man it was Ksquare securities. He slapped u and he didn't even hav a gun so why r u lying
Karen Igho is yet to respond to this latest tweet
Karen is a razz babe,i believe the 2nd version
No matter what,he should not have slapped her
This karen no shame at out all,why come for a show that you are not invited
That's is a lesson to all celebrity who think that they are untouchable
Why all ds lies,Karen was at Denrele party live!
Sorry my dear Karen,i like u bc you are real,but your story does not add up,a guard slapped u bc you did not tip him,haba!
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