Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Nigeria’s new terror group, ANSARU

First, it was Boko Haram’s terrorism. As if that is not a nightmare too much for accursed Nigeria already, another terror group has emerged. Its abbreviated name is Ansaru. And its full name just like Boko Haram’s Jamā’atu Ahlis Sunnah Lādda’awatih wal-Jihad is a mouthful: Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimina fi Biladis Sudan.

Photographs here from a video released by the group on Xmas eve, shows unidentified armed members of the group posing in an undisclosed place in November 2012.


Anonymous said...

What is the government doing about this

Anonymous said...

This country should split,to stop all this nonsense

Tunde said...

I totally agree