Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Obama clearly won this debate! Obama calm! Romney fighting to catch up!

"Commitments I have made, I have Kept", "Women are gradually becoming breadwinners" - Obama @ d 2nd US Pres. Debate. 15/10/2012

Romney lies! Obama, cleaned the mess d Republicans Created! What's he talking about? But Obama, looked so calm all through!

"Obama's damn smart, using Romney's words against him. Romney, can't even call Obama by name! Too bad!" - Biodun Casto Dada's comment on FaceBook


Tayo.P said...

Vivien,you are on point on this one,I've never commented on your blog,but this is worth commneting on,totally agree with you.

Ben said...

He did well

Mrs Osaze said...

I hope Obama wins Republicans are NO NO NO NO!

Nicholas said...

Obama was calm

Anonymous said...

He did connected with his audience

Pat said...

No charm in Romney which Obama well exhibited all that talk with Romney and his "binders full of women" it didnt work for me

Sammy said...

Obama showed his passion,energy,i had a blast compared to last debate

Anonymous said...

Obama was born for this

Hai said...

Nice Vivien love your post

Anonymous said...

Ok He fumbled in the 1st debated but ds time he was prepared

Tim said...

Go,go go Obama