There must be a reason explaination for ds,maybe she had trouble having her milk out when she gave birth to her children so she bottlefed them,and now her breast is gushing out milk and the children have out grown breastfeeding so she decided to breastfeed the dog---------lol! who am I deceiving,this woman don kolo!
What is ds world turning into?
Are people sure ds woman did not sleep with a dog and gave birth to it.
There is no logic explation for her action,ds is stupid
When did dogs start sucking human breast
Cheap publicity,d pain she wil receive from the dog latching into her
She's sick she needs a doctor
LMFAO,she bottlefed her kids and now breastfeeding a dog!
She's a psycho
Sth is definitly wrong with her
Vivien,where did you get ds from,can ds be real or this for the camera shot
Strange things are really happening in this world we live in
Is this healthy though for her to be doing ds
Abroad people take animals as their children,they treat them like one so ds is just an extention of that.
There must be a reason explaination for ds,maybe she had trouble having her milk out when she gave birth to her children so she bottlefed them,and now her breast is gushing out milk and the children have out grown breastfeeding so she decided to breastfeed the dog---------lol! who am I deceiving,this woman don kolo!
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