Saturday, 2 June 2012

Nigerian Pastor Sent To Prison For Drugs In Australia

Pastor Joshua Esosa is from Edo State he recounted how he had been arrested, framed up and jailed for a crime he said that he never committed;
"I spent about 8 hell months in that prison, from February 2011 to September 2011 for a crime I had not committed. I was traumatised for a sin I knew nothing about probably because I am a black man and a Nigerian. I nearly went mad for what I never imagined in my life. Over my dead body that I will deal on drugs as a man of God, my yes remains yes, I am not guilty. As I speak now, I do not know on which ground or why I was released because according to the sentence I was not supposed to have been set free before May 2012.
"One thing I want the world to know is that, no matter the evidences manufactured against me, I am innocent. No matter the level of conspiracy against me, I am guiltless. The God I serve cannot be put to shame because He did not fail Abraham, He did not fail Hannah, He did not fail Job etc. and He can never fail me. I am on my knees.”

This was how the story went;


Anonymous said...

He shld thk God He answered him and pray4 his enmies to be exposed

Ufor said...

If he is innocent<God will make a way to justify his name so pastor dont worry urself u owe nobdy anybodt explanation