Monday 2 April 2012

Bryan Okwara- presenter, model, actor… hmmm! Audi commercial…We must learn to celebrate our own

Who says you can’t make it….remember the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, one of such stories is that of Bryan Okwara: Ex-Mr.Nigeria. 

According   to him “originally started out as a model, and coming from back then, it wasn’t anything to look forward to. And then, I went in to NIGEZIE and started working as a TV presenter for a couple of years before I went in for Mr. Nigeria pageant. Luckily I won and then moved on from there. For someone who is multi-talented, you get to a point in life where you ask yourself that “Are you going to die with all these talent, why don’t you just explore” so I came out and here I am.”

What do you make of that voice and the dance?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bryan! i like ur swagger keep it up

Anonymous said...

Jack of all trade...u try

Anonymous said...

That dance man you f**k up

Tony said...

Nice commercial,u try

Anonymous said...

Awww! im impressed

Anonymous said...

Everything u day,acting, modeling,dance so tey u sing join....i like ur hustling spirit

Anonymous said...

Fine boy without pimple

Anonymous said...

Bouy...that was tight