The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) recently described the move as ploy to further impoverish innocent Nigerians just as Action Congress of Nigerian (ACN) said it is an invitation to anarchy.
Also Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) said that it will use every legal options available at its disposal to stop it. Civil society groups had threatened to fight and said they were ready toshed blood to resist the satanic plan.
The World Bank also lend its voice calling the Federal Government to exercise caution in its plan to remove oil subsidy.
11:11:11- declared "HUNGER STRIKE DAY" led by Mr. Olawale Ajani(a fervent supporter of president Goodluck Jonathan until the oil subsidy removal came up) with his National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) at Unity Fountain beside Transcorp Hilton Hotel Abuja.
Police in Abuja this morning barricaded major road with armour tanks along Transorp Hilton Hotel - Federal Secretariat .
Also armoured tanks were seen in different part of the city centre such as Berger roundabout.
Also armoured tanks were seen in different part of the city centre such as Berger roundabout.
story &photos credits from
I dnt think Nigerians wld mind if they actually use d money saved from that for viable projects like roads, electricity etc. If such was to be the case, yes prices wld increase but more people wld be able 2 trade and import petroleum products and d competition wld eventually drive down d price of petrol , see what happened in d telecoms sector, how when more operators came, SIM cards crashed and we began 2 get freebies. D problem is dat there is so much vested interests and corruption in d oil sector dat money saved wld not be accounted for, nor will it actually be spent on works that would benefit Nigerians. Then of course a privileged few wld still enjoy d petrol subsidy in private. So abeg, until they outline a plan on how d money saved wld be spent AND measured within X time frame, I wldn't believe it wld be to the benefit of d citizenry.
Removing the oil subsidy next year but nevertheless Nigeria is a very complex animal that defies the logic of intellectuals. I have read and listen to many well read a...nd well meaning Nigerian and Foreigners alike who have propagated solutions for the endemic problems currently plaguing Nigeria but solutions have always eluded us . I do not think that it so much about the oil subsidy removal rather it a systematic and persistent enslavement of the masses by a bunch of illiterates who feel that our natural resources is their birth right and refuse to let go. If our resources were well managed and necessary infrastructures such as electricity are in place then oil subsidy removal would have been a minor issue because despite non- removal of the subsidy we have nothing to write home about. People still die in nigeria because they cannot afford a N5000 medical bill in 2011. There is no political will to build refineries as there are too many cartels benefiting from the current disorder in Nigeria and as for the SWF whether we have this account or not makes no difference to the average man. So I am totally indifferent on this issue, lets get our priorities right by providing constant electricity to minimize the effect of the subsidy removal and provide quality education so the masses really understand what the SWF really means .
What this country needs is division to end all this killing of innocent individuals,bc Nigeria is complex, she is tribalistic and there are alots of political thugs that are fooling themselves. separating the country will make each country to be more responsible for their wealth and development.
Kelechi u self,division is not the solution, let each region manage its resources based on natural resources, tecnology and international infulence or investment so that resources can easily be shared and help other neighbouring states.Such as trade by barter of resources.
If Federal govt claim that they that spend 1.3trillion Naira on fuel subsidy, this amt is ridiculous,the real daily local consumption shld be probbed so in the real sense they do the maths that what they spend would not be alot lower, so that N1.3trillion can be used to develop other impt sectors......the transport, health tourism,education,infrastructure
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