Monday, 28 March 2022

Cardiac monitor started reading wrongly -Living in Palpitation

 One of the lowest moment, the we had to wait till the histology confirmed what type of lesion this was.

A true life story, where, the surgery had been successful, the cardiac monitor reading normally, all of a sudden  the respiration started  fluctuating......
The question is what would you do? even with the doctor and nurses there to ensure things get back to normal.
No one can tell me that being a fighter to live  and relying on science is 100% accurate. 
Grab your copy. It is a compendium of social nuggets, which are not only timeless but challenge people to approach life, business& relationship in their practical form.
To avoid story that touches the heart, grab you copy and avoid this happening to you or your loved ones   ......LIVING IN PALPITATION

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