Friday, 21 February 2014

Miss XpressUrself Pageant forms are available at the following locations

Showing now at genesis deluxe foyer area,more info the word all my XpressUrSelfShow much muah!muah!muah!

Miss XpressUrSelf pageant it’s all new it is NOT the  conventional way you are used.  We are here to make pageantry and modelling look right. The real way beauty should be portrayed.  To help these young ladies achieve their dreams offering them an all inclusive training on what it takes to be an outstanding beauty queen or model.


A return ticket to UK/One year contract with Shola creative Studio,to represent Nigeria at the international photo shoot.                                         
Huge Cash prize
One year endorsement with Style&Glam fashion world in the UK,
Other fantastic prizes,with many more consolation prizes: The winners will be sponsored for MBGN,Miss Nigeria and any other well recognized modeling competition in Nigeria (in that particular order)

Performance by DJ FRIZZIE, Ibrahim samande, Jerry Omole Saxophonist.       
Official media partners Citi Watch,Surulere Watch,TVC and Jandus Radio,Vanguard Newspaper.
   click here                                          
Its all free& fair election .   


Stella said...

Na you biko

Nancy said...

LAVIDO,me too want to win

Murphy said...

Teh teh our Yahooze OLU ma main man what did you do with yourself,wonder where Vivien fished you out from

Kate said...


Isi said...

Nice concept

Anonymous said...

I see u've been busy

Pet said...

something fresh,Im coming to watch Mr.Yahooze in action its been a long time i heard him sing

Ngozi said...

I did see car as part of the prizes

Sarah said...

Very gd,those men that promise young girls heaven&earth to sleep with all d name of helping to part take in pageants,intor!:P.
Aunty Vivien take you for this opportunity,i will try my luck

Ngozi said...

I love you girl,but you need to post gist,this blog has been dry for some days

Anonymous said...

Wey forms dey na,no one near my area,my girlfriend deserves to win because she has all the qualities

Daniel said...

Lets hope it is truly not conventional,i stopped my woman from going for MBGN because most times the right people are not given the crown.Na who know who#Sleepingaround#
She has disturbed me die for this.If this is judged as we except she will definitely come out top three ie if the contestants are strong contenders if not my baby girl will take the crown.

Stella said...

Vivien dont mind them,pressurizing you to post gist,take your time dear,I know you are busy.

Ayo said...

Loving this,olu Maintain,its my birthday Viv,i hope to have a blast on that day.
Can I have a free ticket.:'( please make my day!

lara said...

Stella take a chill pill always trying to please Vivien.
Her fans are allowed to voice out their opinions

Peace said...

Thank you lara,someone needed to shut that big mouth up.

Dayo said...

Abegi there is nothing wrong with what Stella said.

Johnson said...


Chris said...

Vivien,i want my own gor!

Robert said...

first timer,love the photo of the advertisment,who is that model,will love to meet her.Is she one of the constestants too.

Uzoma said...

I'm only 16years. am i allowed to apply.I have always loved to make a career from modelling

Kycee said...

My angel is all looking stunning and younger by the day

Anonymous said...


Eric said...

Seen.I saw this in one of the blogs just the poster but no explantion.

Anonymous said...

can someone close to Vivien tell to blog & give gist we have read the pageant stuff we will come ha

Mayor said...

Im just passing through

Stella said...

#somehaters#I'm making headlines already :p

Ezenne said...

oh was that you Vivien,i heard on radio this morning,was rushing to the office with the traffic& all cldnt concentrate on what you say.
Oh ok I see. Good luck woman,you've really made a mark.

Mark said...

You fall my hand,why not men and women,not fair

Larry said...

Olu my guy,I hail o

Ralph said...

Vivien!Vivien I want to marry you,give me your love,just give your love.
Watchout for me woman,i am coming on that day,ive longed to see you face to face,you are too beautiful to behold.

Ejiro said...

Wishing all the contestants the best,may the best candidate win.

Anonymous said...

Witin I do you na,post my comment

Anonymous said...


Ufuma said...

Too bad im stuck in Birmingham till July

Miran said...


Humphrey said...

Goodmorning Aunty Vivien,please can you talk about cultism,it is really a serious issue in our universities,as a jambite,ive never seen such humiliation in my life,my girlfriend I have known since was a child as family friend,we intend to marry,we are age mates we do everything together,our parents are aware of our relationship.Only for these cultists telling me to leave the love of my life alone that she has been taken by one of their members.I agree my girl is a knockout,but there are other pretty ones,ive begged,used all the money i have to let us be.My girl is confused because she does not want be to be killed.She has told me let us run away,leave the school,if we miss a year,it doesnt matter,let us start afresh in a new school. I know cultism is everywhere& they have their members in all other schools,where do we run to.That is why I am pleading let them leave us alone.I cannot stand another man with her.

Kelechi said...

Your readers will go on #occupyXpressUrSelfShow#
We miss your daily post.

Amanda said...

Missing your post babes,what's up

Anonymous said...

Our queen how far naw

Samson said...

Vivien I've not seen the report of 20female students who were abducted by Boko Haram and the 30 students who were slaughtered and their hostel burnt down on your blog,pls post.This is in human,these people must be taking some stuff.

Paul said...

It was a bitter story to read,saw it on the news,they are now killing anybody dont care whether muslims or christains

Shade said...

I blame the governors who were sponsoring them,look at the cruelty,they have gone out of control.God help this country.

Anonymous said...

Hey Miss V

Bobby said...

Our love what have we done to you,we have not heard from you for sometime now,we miss you a whole lot.

Emma said...

Nice one Viv,but those LCD screens at the palms are way too expensive

Stella said...

Too much advert,i had to wait for 10mins before yours finally popped up,tell the Genesis Deluxe that they should reduce the volume of advert at a goal.But well dull.You did well.

Ebong said...

My love,this new idea you have Nigerians don dey copy o,but i read through what they are offering,but I see you are training and giving the real stuff.

Stella said...

Can you not read,that is the normal beauty contest we have in Nigeria the only thing that changed is the name,i saw it on one of blogs,while Miss Xpressurself is focused on training on how to become queens. SHAME on some people,they can read BUT misinterpret.

Apple said...

Unpaid PA. Stella take it easy nawo for you

Stella said...

And who are you with such name APPLE,oh please spare me

Anonymous said...

Thumps up Viv,very good concept

Ufufoma said...

The gist in my school now is that the girl you made-over in your video landed her a small role in Tinsel soap opera.Babes could that be true?

Kur said...

I want be part of this history,i am a great make up artist i can be part of those to teach them how to apply make up,the colour& the skill it takes,loved your video on youtube,well done

Anonymous said...

I want free ticket

Anonymous said...

I need this model training more than ever.

Anonymous said...

Everywhere pageant,we hear

Cici said...

You are very fashionable,chked your FB

Anonymous said...

You are too much madam

Anonymous said...

Give me a mini make over&I will love you forever

Patrick said...

Vivien ban some people from commenting on personal interest,they wan see fine gurls,that is why they only read and pass on your other posts