Thursday, 1 November 2012

Three yr old girl contacts gonorrhea

In Florida a three year old girl caught gonorrhea for putting a used condom in the mouth.

She found the condom at daycare centre- playground. The mother of the baby(Tiesha Sanders) is suing the organization in charge of the daycare. 

But according to the director of the daycare “the playground is checked every day before the kids play there” 

This incident happened  in Dec,2011,and the doctor said it takes a year to show symptoms and her daughter has been tested multiple times  already.

Don’t know what to call this carelessness or poor mamangement?


Anonymous said...

Vivien,its all of the above,carelessness and poor management

Anonymous said...

This is why I'll never leave my kids for any daycare

Anonymous said...

Parents pay alot for ds daycare& ds what they get?