Friday 5 July 2024

Come with me to USA and Canada

 You see these two things in my hands.... they are life saver for most of us here in Canada and USA.

The robb inhaler  and the rob itself prevented me from having  catarrh,preventing me from having sore throat and relieving the cold.

In Nigeria we se randomly see them everywhere and they are affordable,but in America and Canada they are found only in African shops,and they are expensive.

They are doing wonders to me ooo,it reduced the cold for me and made me feel so warm

Robbing it on my chest and using it on my neck and also using the vicks inhaler did wonders.

When you are coming to these places,enrich your first aid and carry them with you.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Come with me on my journey! My dairy of leisure and hospitality facilities in Lagos


My dairy of leisure and hospitality facilities in Lagos
It's important to let the world know that Nigeria has got beautiful and secure environment to have a quality time with oneself and family.
1. When people come from abroad they know the great places to stay that is almost as good as abroad,when they spend the money it goes into our national profit.
2. To create competition so that owners can reduce their prices so that many can afford it,just as the air peace chairman made most airlines to bring down their  flight prices.
3.Individuals who are aspiring to own a resturant or a hotel,the basics they need to know about it,it doesn't have to be a 5 star hotel so they can give value for value.
4. Leave your comfort zone,get some where else,different ambience ,different environment to help your mental state
5. As they watch my  videos  on  my youtube channel they see the current state of the hotel,not just what they read on the website.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Sheraton hotel New York versus Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Downtown


Sheraton hotel New York versus Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Downtown

Everyone needs staycation.

Monday 2 October 2023

Vivien Nwandu's first international endorsement deal


Preparation meets opportunity. Never look down on anybody. Mental preparation is of essence anything you set your mind to......These were her own words.

She is always stating a fact of ..'.laser focus'

Always remember, your talent can take you far but your character is what sustains you at that here for full video

Saturday 30 September 2023

Advantage of increasing your age and what is your definition of a white a lie?


Speaking from personal experience, I always increase my age and it has given me a lot of  great opportunities one of which is the time I landed seven figure digits  payment.

There so many ways you can benefit from it.....your pension too, especially in an environment where you are neglected at your retirement or where there is no respect to your hard work over the years.

Full video click here

or simply search Vivien Nwandu on Youtube

One of the ways Youtuber/podcasters make money

 It doesn't matter if you have 10videos of course watching the video is necessary but the important ingredient is the advertainment watch, if you have a 3minutes video and it has three different advertisement you definitely going to earn more money if the adverts are watched compared to the video that is 12minutes with only one advert, worse case scenario if the advert is not watch at won't earn a dime.

The full video is on my YouTube here to watch

or search Vivien Nwandu on YouTube

Wednesday 6 September 2023

My discovery as a mobile lecturer -Vivien Nwandu


Accessibility and sound mind :

The time I invest in training students to develop on youth development environmental factor is key. I will be focusing on project, decision making

and what it takes to have a sound mind When working in an environment you know that you need your sanity for you to function, speaking as a mobile lecturer, when training on youth development to get the desired result  taking a rest is very important. When you don’t take a rest it affects the brain and  in return affects your productivity ,project, decision making and as a youth development trainer, I don’t joke with my sleep, I can cancel my morning meeting so my brain can function properly, so I don’t look haggard and looking older than my age. 

You should have a break and the place of rest has to be a quiet place so when you come back from the recess you are on top of your game. The room temperature has to be right. The room has to be fantastic, it should not be too cold or hot. When the room is too cozy the the students can fall asleep. When it is too hot the children get irritated.


As a lecturer, you have to know how to engage the teenagers; as a lecturer you have to be exciting, whatever technique or style you apply let it be engaging so the children don’t get bored. There has to be balance, so they don’t lose interest, that way you bring out the best in them.


Another environment factor is the home. In a home where the parents are fighting, abuse the child ,that child will be distracted. It is not that the child is not a top a grade student but because of distractions of what he or she receives from home. It is not really that the child is not intelligent, it could be that that child is going through emotional trauma from these circumstances mentioned above.


The school, another environmental factor, when the school itself does not have some guide lines, the teachers and lecturers are not disciplined this leads to confusion, the students can see it and it also affects their performance.


Ambience can help them to focus and substitute a lot of nuisance, It can make them to have a fill of who is holding the mic.

Sunday 3 September 2023

As a beauty pageant coach- Vivien Nwandu



Vivien Nwandu explains why she had the urged to have started the Miss Xpressurself Nigeria, in her exact words “Everybody is a queen in their own right but the ability to standout and a make a difference is what clearly distinguishes you from the crowd, a platform was needed to create an avenue to empower young ladies and give them a voice. 

Being the founder of Miss Xpressurself Nigeria and member of the team that put the event together and also one of the panels of the three judges, I was particularly impressed with the level of the preparation of the 20 contestants on stage, their pet projects and the way they were able to practice the etiquettes in it's true meaning.

My modeling and pageantry coaching over the years have proven itself with the evidence of  Tarere Obaigbo emerged the Winner of Miss Xpressurself Nigeria 2014, reinventing herself to her full potential as she emerged the winner of Mrs Nigeria 2021,which made her to become the first Nigerian to participate in the Mrs. World pageantry, months after emerging as Mrs. Nigeria. The Mrs World which was held  in Las Vegas,USA,2022, at the period of all of these she was to be a country guest at the Mrs Universe,Mrs Globe and Mrs United Nations.

As I gushed with smiles all over my face as she was announced top 16 among thousands of contestants to make history as the first Nigerian and West African to make it to the semi finals of Mrs World beauty pageant 2022. Putting Nigeria on the global map as she was also crowned Mrs Africa World.

These above for me is a milestone, just from the little dream I had ‘laser focus’ on birthing a new generation of smart, goal-driven, yet humble young ladies. A vision on their intellect, how you communicate, interact with others (which gives access to team work) how to be impactful to the community, having a voice both career-wise, their personal endeavors, follow their passion and always reinvent themselves and remaining humble despite all of these achievements- a dream that blossomed into a reality to the entire world”.

Orieme as I often called her… if you are reading this, you have truly represented the woman I have always set for Miss Xpressurself Nigeria… you are still with the title until I embark on the next pageant edition to birth another world breaking record...on this platform

In the course of her interview embarking on her journey as a modeling and pageantry coach she stated:

Few months, same year Tarere Obaigbo participated in Queen Nigeria 2014, where she was part of the team of the event, coordinating about 25 models that were qualified for the pageantry on how to comport themselves in public spaces.

Tarere Obaigbo used all the skills she acquired during the three weeks training to emerge as Miss xpressurself Nigeria gave her an edge to be among top 10 and won most friendly among her conestants and was represented with a rewarding gift. Within a year thereafter, 2015, Tarere Obaigbo took another bold step to participate in Miss Progress International 2015, and Miss Vivien Nwandu and her team gave her the encouragement, boost she needed to once again to her foot forward.

In conclusion, a journey of a thousand steps began with a single step as these big accomplishments cannot be easily forgotten in the lives of thousands of people she inspired and transformed their lives especially the top three winners of Miss Xpressurself Nigeria 2014….as we discovered the 1st runner up was among top 5 Sisi Oge contest and 2nd runner up Miss Fotogenix   all happened right after the beauty pageant.

Indeed, what a legacy! Her passion for helping others will always resonate…an excerpt from one of her fans.

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Do You Remember them as winners of Miss XpressUrSelf Nigeria?

Yes! they are have accomplished, become  a bigger and wonderful being in the world just by partaking in  Miss XpressUrself Nigeria 2014…. which took place 9years ago at Eko hotel and Suites on the 26th of april,2014. A pageantry organized by Miss Vivien Nwandu with a simple mission :change the world one step at a time.

One of the interview she had years back with Duchess International Magazine..has proved itself once again.

Clear evidence that you can be part of the people who can change the world; one child at a time which brings in a creative chain and in turn produces a chain reaction which gives birth to great achievers making great impact in the world ...a typical example is what Vivien Nwandu has been able to prove with her maiden pageantry...Miss XpressUrSelf Nigeria, which was held at Eko Hotel & Suites on the 26th of April,2014.


The pageantry platform that imbibed 18 young graduates with a theme that infers that being a queen is about style, intelligence, elegance, beauty and a a platform used to empower them in the society and also give them a voice both as career-wise, their personal endeavours, to follow their passion and always reinvent themselves

It is also a mission that has clothed these ladies with epitome of beauty, having a purposeful life and impacting the lives of people positively and making the vision come to reality as Miss XpressUrself Nigeria has impacted on these ladies in so many ways. Here are their testimonials-

Tarere Obaigbo won Mrs. Nigeria in 2021 coupled with other international beauty pageants she had attained. And making great impact with other projects to the community.

Back in 2014,  as she emerged the winner of Miss XpressUrself Nigeria. A title she still holds till date.

This her recent message to Miss XpressUrSelf Nigeria

Oyindamola Ogunbekun emerged among top Sisi of Oge Pageant. Also, she has gone on so many other projects assisting the community.

This her recent message to Miss XpressUrSelf Nigeria

It shows that the winner of Miss XpressUrSelfShow (A title she still holds until the next pageant; coming soon) and 1st runner up have depicted the goals and vision of the pageantry.

Miss Vivien Nwandu is super grateful and short of words, as she shared the  recent warmest thoughts these ladies had shown via message.

Five Lessons To be Taken from All Of These:

1.Never despise your little beginnings.

2.Hard Work really pays off

3.Never forget where you are coming from and always appreciate those who have contributed to your success(it opens new doors)

4.What would you want to be remembered for?

5.How did you make the next person feel?


What you need to know  about Vivien Nwandu:

Vivien Nwandu, having her own company called Laviv Expressions Ltd., has created so much from organizing her maiden beauty pageant called MISS XPRESSURSELF NIGERIA to being one of the panel of 5 judges on a mini key notes in one of the prestigious University Lagos Business School, and of course to being a judge for Most Beautiful Girl in Lagos to winning multiple awards for my humanitarian work, from Rotary International Club, to having books both for adults and students as an author, to being a member of Toast Master International which has given her an edge to being Master of Ceremony in events. 

Also having her own show called Xpressurself Show on TV. and radio
With these achievements, her audience cuts across people of all walks of life- the young, the old people, the elite,the middle class and also the poor.

So, Vivien Nwandu’s humanitarian job started as a child but it reached out to thousands of people as far back as 2009 with international certificates and awards one of them from Rotary international and other international bodies. As a youth development mobile lecturer her vision and mission for these young people is for them to have a ’laser focus’.

Her Recent Humanitarian award

Sunday 23 July 2023

Vivien Nwandu is Being honoured from ' Go the Extra mile award to Excellent Service award by Rotary club international.

Two years consecutively 2020-2021 to 2022-2023 award from Rotary international for my humanitarian services. I joined this prestigious club early 2020 and ever since then it's been back-to-back honours,
I am really grateful to God for giving me the strength to do what I love. .....puting a smile in someone's face, giving, encouraging people. It gives ME a SENSE OF PURPOSE.

Sunday 16 April 2023

A man dying of a brain haemorrhage Approaching Kogi State about 25 minutes after leaving Abuja, the first police checkpoint I noticed was with a barricade of what looked like some bags of rice which had encroached the road, forcing cars to slow down. Just right about 10 minutes drive came another checkpoint after the first one but the terrible accident occurred just before the checkpoint. It would have been worse if there was no police check. They made the emergency call; the ambulance would not have come on time if it happened distance away from Abuja. The grand rule of any driver especially in Nigeria was 100km/hr on highway but this man was on 200km/hr. No wonder some people have phobia for driving. The horrific accident and blood spilling on the ground made it impossible for us to stop and there was absolutely nothing we could do. Moreover, I overheard among the crowd (since we were moving really slowly and I had unwound my glass) that the patient was losing a lot of blood, for his neck had stuck out of the windscreen, hanging like a suspended hanger. The sound of the ambulance gave me hope that the woman and her unborn child would make it. Faint sobs could be heard from the crowd. “Please save my husband, call a doctor! I’m begging you! He’s only 45years old! I can’t live without him”. I saw that he was badly injured but I am a neurosurgeon and I was helpless. I could not move if not I would have treated him before the ambulance arrived. “Please! Someone help me save him”. “Don’t worry, ambulance is on the way, they are group of men there, I am sure they can do their best till it gets here” said one of the people in the crowd. One person from the crowd moved away from her and told the next man that her husband had lost so much blood, his situation didn’t seem too optimistic. 

Thursday 11 August 2022

She is an author,a mobile lecturer,and she has a podcast on Your Life & Sex YourSex & Reality harps on spouses being true to themselves by communicating their sexual behaviour, lifestyle and orientation to each other to achieve sexual satisfaction which culminates to a healthy lifestyle.

Being a relationship expert with a wealth of experience in sex and lifestyle has exposed me to funny attitudes spouses put up while dealing with the issue of sex and lifestyle which contributes negatively to many living in misery because they have not achieved satisfaction in bed. Some of the attitudes include, pretence, being shy to discuss sex with a partner, not being able to explore the best possible means of satisfying a partner, not being ready to discover the best sex methods and styles that work for the spouses, etc. 
The funny thing about it is that most spouses go about their activities, acting as if their sex life is okay, meanwhile there's an inner craving longing to be satisfied, sexually- this is one of the drivers of infidelity in relationships.
Sex & Reality is a mother of necessity designed to provide a platform for spouses to satisfy themselves, sexually.
In this book, Vivien Nwandu brings her expertise to bare in an amazing exactitude. She dishes it out raw while distilling relationship techniques that can bring spouses to love and appreciate sex as a gift from God to the enjoyment of humanity.
Those, who are struggling with their sex life will find this book as a manual leading them to discover an approach and behaviour that works best for them.
The language is simple and appealing to all who are desirous to rule their sex life.


Sunday 22 May 2022

Rotary District 9110 40th Annual District Conference - Rotary is good


So much to learn and practice at four days of  this 40th annual  district conference. As part of the committee for Rotary Leadership Youth Award and a member of the media committee it is fulfilling to be a part taker every year of such great conference. One thing that keeps me going on this journey is the passion I have for humanity. And how much I need to impact lives on the our younger generation who are the leaders of tomorrow.

It was indeed well planned event, there were always ways to unwind; the gala night, the white party, the rotary leadership launch, various parties from some other rotary clubs including mine, Rotary club of VGC.

Remember rotary "We can change the world one life at a time"

Monday 28 March 2022

Vivien Nwandu receives a humanitarian award from Rotary Club

 Vivien Nwandu receives  an award during one of her humanitarian work in impacting the society.

                   Award represented to her from Rotary Club of Victoria  Garden City.

Vivien Nwandu looks ravishing in her beautiful Nigerian attire 💓

Cardiac monitor started reading wrongly -Living in Palpitation

 One of the lowest moment, the we had to wait till the histology confirmed what type of lesion this was.

A true life story, where, the surgery had been successful, the cardiac monitor reading normally, all of a sudden  the respiration started  fluctuating......
The question is what would you do? even with the doctor and nurses there to ensure things get back to normal.
No one can tell me that being a fighter to live  and relying on science is 100% accurate. 
Grab your copy. It is a compendium of social nuggets, which are not only timeless but challenge people to approach life, business& relationship in their practical form.
To avoid story that touches the heart, grab you copy and avoid this happening to you or your loved ones   ......LIVING IN PALPITATION

Nigerian African attire, Gele! in its beauty -Vivien Nwandu

It's no news that we Nigerians are happy people, no matter the challenges we face, so much so,  it has reflected in our owmbe, parties ,any form of celebration. It has rubbed off on our native attire's loud, glamorous, colourful, that often times it is mistaken to be a westernized attire, despite having a gele on it. by mere looking at it ,you get excited too, that is to show how much infectious it has become😍                                                               



The Caucasians, the  Mongolians, the Americans, the Malayans, the Ethiopians are all embracing our native outfits in the videos as artistes, even some occasions ;international festive like the like the MET Gala etc

The interesting look about our attire is that, it comes in different fabrics, you can make tons of different style to suite the occasion.😍

Our Nigerian attire is timeless.

Sunday 27 March 2022



This book is really inspiring it can be found on
😁 YAY! MY FOURTH's real life situation you face every day as long as you are 18years to 90years, it's inevitable...even as you see this now, you are currently experiencing...!!

The book is a compendium of social nuggets which are not only timeless but challenge people to approach life, business and relationship in their practical forms.

It also sheds light on why many people are afraid to go into marriage, and also provides practical insights on how to discover and deal squarely with issues of Gamophobia, which hinder the patient from finding commitment in a relationship.


Monday 28 February 2022

Anticipating my 4th book earlier than expected, thank you to all my ardent readers

 As the founder and  CEO of Laviv Expressions ltd, a business development(consultancy, a mobile lecturer, an author, podcaster,  media entrepreneur. I find each experience intriguing. At any point execution, each assignment is like it my first time handling such job. What this does to me is that I am constantly researching new things to keep up with the every day findings of new information.

My wealth of experience from The United States of America, United Kingdom and Canada did tell alot on my performances during the course of  career path.

In order words it always pays off to be in the know. Having such experiences in these areas

Writing and Editing



Events& MC

Corporate communications

Empowering the Youths

I am still eager to broaden my contributions. Bottom line  keep pushing till you reach your milestone.

I'm using this means to appreciate all my ardent readers, their feedback on how much impact my books have helped them one way or the other improved their lives.

The essence of a good book to for it valuable from one generation to the next. So my new book is loading, yep! its non fiction that is informative, factual, most of it real life events ......

wait for it. 

By the way ,if you are reading this and you have not ordered yet, this an's easy you can order on line  my website , from and also from iUniverse.

Your life & sex; its an erotic literature which comprises of  fictional  and factual stories & accounts  of sexual relationships intending to help revive dead relationships come alive again

Even one of the popular  Nollywood act has purchased his......Ambassador Saheed Balogun

The redefining Success: Boosting Your Career ,Marriage & Happiness is a factual story that has saved a 17 year marriage, most of the predictions in the book hasvebecome a reality to some people and each time I get a call, telling me, my book has just saved or helped them, i feel so elated ,that i can actually save a someone through my book ......

Thursday 2 December 2021

Vivien Nwandu -creating a world that support everyone, especially in the communities-


Create a world that support everyone, especially in the communities, to the youths because they are the future of tomorrow.

This my little way of contributing to the society.

The Brain Box of the Mind, this book is in line with our advocacy which is centered on promotion of self- discovery.

In this book, a young, energetic, dynamic intelligent and hardworking African child who grew up in a multicultural background found love in the process of positively impacting many businesses of people. A young boy full of determination of self-discovery, perseverance, faced a lot of hurdles that would have clogged his wheel of progress and shattered his long-driven purpose.

Discussing with students in different schools, most of them are willing to become like this little boy in the book, to make something of their lives, to have that rare exercise of the main character’s will power, and tenacity. His tangential life totally focused on growth and fulfilment.

This post is to encourage one of us to impact lives in any way we can with what we have.