A.ka 'Rasta-Rapunzel', Asha Mandela
55year old, hair is 55ft,longer than a London bus.
She gushes about her new love,her husband, Emmanuel Chege, a qualified hair stylist from Kenya.
She gushes about her new love,her husband, Emmanuel Chege, a qualified hair stylist from Kenya.
Read what she says about how her hair has helped her relationship
with her man
Asha said: 'It's really added spice in the bedroom and it does not get in the way of anything at all. 'There are times when my hair will be on the bed with us and we can use it for whatever or we put it on the floor if we want it out of the way.' Asha and Emmanuel met online three years ago after he was struck by pictures of her famous dreadlocks on hair websites.
Asha, who owns her own hair product business, was told by doctors her dreadlocks would paralyse her if she kept on growing them as the weight of her hair is affecting her back. They take two days to wash and dry and require full-time care and Emmanuel devotes countless hours to their upkeep. He is also growing his own dreadlocks and hopes to become the male record holder in the future.
Asha said: 'My husband helps me with everything with my hair. I'm so spoilt since he's been taking care of it and I've got totally lazy. 'He will massage my scalp, groom my hair or twist or wash it. He does a really good job of taking care of it so that's a plus.'