Monday, 16 January 2012


Men! Men! Give us a break…..this was meant to be “just the two of us”, few hours won’t hurt…….(football?) lol!

Why is the gate shut in his face?and then she makes her dog her best friend, know a man's best friend is always loyal especially if it finds out that he broke her heart.........

Wow!This dog means business.

Words are powerful

Regina Askia once said beauty is in the mind. I totally agree with her. At 44years she is still looking stunning besides her is 20year old daughter Stephanie Hornecker.


JUSTIN Bieber got a tattoo of Jesus Christ's face on his calf, but the teen pop star says he is not religious, he does not go to church often but he prefers to have a personal relationship with God.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

lol! fashion of the day

Dressed to impress….REALLY? Helena Bonham Carter wore one red and one green shoe at the Golden Globes…..nawo! Hope this will not become a fashion trend O!
Wearing next to nothing in fashion is not so appealing but going over the top….nah! not so great either……….in this picture………….less is more.