Monday, 17 September 2018

The man shows genuine love in a relationship,women dont respect their partner if he has financial challenges

Who loves genuinely in a relationship that leads marriage? what are the signs...and after marriage does that same person still display such love...
What are the signs they he or she still shows that love.

According to people who were interviewed,most of them said its the man who shows genuine love,that when a man loves he loves unconditionally but the women  check the credit score...(if he still has money)? That most cases the women are gold diggers....when a man is financially challenged he loses respect from his other partner....

Please feel free to xpressurself on this matter

What is the different between making love and having sex?

Take a listening at amazed at the response ...... A lady said … why would I call my man special...that God made everyone special, that if he was special he would provide her   all that she needs without her asking...that he is just a wonderful person.......... While a man is on the opinion that his wife is a wonderful person.... that wonderful is high rated than telling a woman that she is special... REALLY?

One of the ladies said that women most times have sex with their husbands because most times they are not in the mood.........
Hmmmm, is this true?