Thursday 26 November 2015

Stefani Tatavitto and Chrystal Klein, breastfeed each other’s babies

These two were echange their kids and breastfeed them.
Read how its being defended

Noah, said: "I don't think it's shocking to nurse another woman's child - breastfeeding is natural. "I think it helps Ariana, it keeps her calm and helps her when she's teething. It's a big comfort and helps keep her settled.If anyone has a problem with it I have not nice words to say to them.You drink breast milk from animals, it's not that weird to drink breast milk from another human."Because of Stefani wet nursing I don't need to pump milk for my daughter or worry about her not having any milk. "It also makes me feel better to know that my daughter still has that comfort even while I am away from her." "I don't care what anyone else has to say - we do what's best for our families."

1 comment:

Rose said...

Rubbish,they are confused